Friday, June 15, 2012

Life, Wisdom Teeth and Job Interviews

Did I mention I have the best best friend ever??
Thanks for being a couch potato with me Sky!

Well, it's honestly not that different, life without my wisdom teeth that is. Once the stitches fade away and the pain stops, I'll not even notice that they're gone! ha ha! Being on a soft diet though has helped me to be more sympathetic toward patients that have to be on soft or liquid diets. It sucks, especially when your mom buys your favorite blueberry bagels and smothers it with butter and then eats it right in front of you... Oh well, she doesn't do it on purpose.It was interesting though, while I was in surgery I got a call to come for a job interview later that day... well my dear mother answered and kindly explained that I was at present, unable to communicate properly and requested that my interview time be moved to Friday. :)
I love my mom.
Delicious meal of mush. :) 

So I interviewed today, and I got the job! I'll be working in a Sno Shack, it's such a summer job! I'm just happy!
I'm not trying to pat myself on the back or anything but I do think that it was pretty awesome that even though I felt like a load of poop this morning that I went to the interview anyway. I can't wait to work my tail off!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Life and Music

I find that dear Ingrid Michaelson is quickly becoming one of my musical heroes. 
Her lyrics are so honest and melodies so simple. 
This song has been one of my recent favorites.

Life After Graduation

Throughout my senior year of High School I found myself facing the same question over and over as I'm sure many seniors do, "What are your plans for after graduation?" I'm a lucky one I guess, since the beginning of my senior year I'd known exactly what I was going do. I'm headed to Weber State University to major in Vocal Performance. After answering the same question over and over again it starts to feel more natural but at the same time, a bit repetitive. You don't really grasp it until it's right there infront of you.

Now that I've graduated and gone on tour I find myself officially at a loss of anything high school and aching to move on to college life. The new life. That's sort of how I think of it in my head, and from my current position nothing seems more delicious and inviting. :) 
 My only plans for the summer are to:

-Work as much as I can and, 
 -Prepare for college. 

 Heavens, I've already found myself wanting to fill some boxes so that moving out can go more smoothly.  The thing is, three months ago I never would have imagined that I would be the way that I am now. From that time, I had pictured things being...very different than they are now, and I have to admit, more eventful. I'd thought that this summer would be the most wonderful of my life. 
But who say's it can't be right?

 Heavenly father knows exactly what we all need, and what we should be doing and where we need to end up, and though we may not be able to see that, if we put our trust in him he'll take us to where we need to go. Its been very inspiring to me to hear about the plans of all my former class mates, their hopes and dreams, and what they are doing to make those things reality. It's also been very interesting to see the contrast that there is between those who have plans and those who aren't exactly sure. It's all very very wonderful. The possibilities are exciting. :)

 I just can't wait to go and room with my best friend, and I'm sure soon to be four other best friends. and take music classes, and meet new people and be totally out of my element. In a fantastic purple place where nobody knows anything about me. :)